Sunday morning I walked into the 1-year old room at our church. I peeked down into the sea of toddlers in search of Meadow and saw her chewing on the head of a baby doll. I smiled for a split second because, let’s be honest, it was kind of cute. But then my Mama brain kicked in and thought about the dozens of other toddlers who likely had that doll in their mouth and my stomach dropped.
As we loaded into the car and began to drive away I said this to Chad. . . Meadow was chewing on a baby doll when I walked into the room to pick her up, so by my calculation she should be sick around Wednesday or Thursday.
I know. I should think positive. Speak blessing, not curses, some might say. Let’s just say after three kids–we kind of know the drill.
Meadow just puked all over me. No, really, ALL over me. It was gross. Really gross. I could go into more details, but I’ll spare you. I’ll keep it at, it was gross. . . really, really gross.
BUT. . . before all that doll sucking-puking-gross stuff happened. . . we had been diving deep into the pool of summer and enjoying every second of it. It has been my tradition to address the entrance of summer in a celebratory manner. I did it here and here and today, I’ll do it once again.
I think we finally hit our summer-groove last week. It took awhile to adjust to new schedules, figure out how our days will look, and to find balance in the going-and-doing and the staying-and-being. I think we’ve got it down now.
The biggest change that has come with summertime? Charlie. . .
After the brutal 5 a.m. wake ups and traveling for the school year, I think he’s recovered. He had returned to his 7-year old ornery, active, crazy self and we are loving it.
Well, most of the time.
Or this one. . .
Mommy, look under there.
Under where?
Hahahaha, I made you say underwear.
I have a 7 year old.
Truly, I’ll take that over the tired, often moody boy we had during this school year. We’ve enjoyed our time together. . . and we have a lot of together time. We find lots of ways to fill it. . .
Last week Charlie counted the steps to the closest store for his All About Me Book.
In other news. . . one day Charlie thought it would be a good idea to take the training wheels off Chanelle’s bike. Chanelle didn’t think that was a very good idea, but she relented.
Day two. . .
Girlfriend is a believer in herself. . . she rocked it.
For awhile we were uncertain whether summer was really going to settle in. I think we can call it a certainty now, though. Summer heat has settled in and so Chad did what Chad does. . .
In between the crazy summertime moments we have plenty of quiet moments. Times when we just chill out and exist together in the same space. Nothing special–just us being us. . .
I’m getting off script, aren’t I? Summertime. . . in other summertime news. . . Meadow now has enough hair to have pigtails. Each morning she brings me that baggie with rubber bands and insists I put her hair up. I guess I can understand that. . . I mean, all that hair, her neck must get really hot.
And that about does it. Summer has brought with her all that I love about summer. . . more time. . .
Have a great day.
i totally get you about the throw up thing. joey used to save all his . . . "episodes" . . . just for me. not one time did he ever share his treasures with daddy, nope, ALWAYS me.
Sigh . . . ; )
Thanks for the goosebumps. Not sure which I appreciated more, your reflections using letters or your reflections using pixels. Thanks again.
"Momma, guess what?" To which I say "what?" "You're stuck with it!" To really make them giggle I say "with what?" They squeal and say "WITH IT!" Ugh, kids. Teach Charlie that one…it's lots of fun to fill in with the icup and under where. Must be a seven year old thing, my days have been filled with this. I still love summer vacation, regardless of how many times I spell icup. 😉 Happy summer Summer!
Hey lady– I am catching up with you in this space. I know, its late and I should be sleeping. ha! I wanted to say that tonight I had a moment similiar to how you feel at times…After putting our kiddos to bed, I said to Burke, "isn't it crazy to think we have kids? How can that be? We are parents? I do not feel old enough!" So, I get what you were saying mid way through this particular post. We are so blessed, aren't we? We may have some rough days along the way (umm, remember that crazy FRIDAY I had a couple weeks ago!!!??) but the good times definitely out weigh the rough times. 🙂 🙂 🙂 So glad you're enjoying summer break. I'm thinking I may need to stop in for some "redneck" water park fun! lol