It’s Possible

Hasn’t started to make sense of the world yet but thinks it’s beautiful all the same. -Story People

I love this picture of Chanelle.  I snapped it quickly while we were sitting in the living room and didn’t think much about it.  When I came to it later I was struck by the innocence captured in the image.  The way her hair falls over her face, the way her hands are delicately wraped around a tiny toy, and the way the light illuminates her little girlness.  Maybe it’s because I’m her Mom, but I look at this picture and I see the beauty of her innocence while at the same time, seeing the young woman she will be one day.

Today, Chanelle is captivated by a flower, intrigued by a worm, and entertained by a wooden toy.  She looks in the mirror and she sees one thing. . . Chanelle.  She looks at others and sees only goodness.  There are no comparisons.  There are no judgements.  Today, she believes she can do anything.  Today, she doesn’t doubt herself.  Today, being Chanelle is enough.

The questions reverberate from deep within me:  how can she preserve this?  How can I help her preserve this?

This afternoon I sat with women who, I imagine, were once very much like Chanelle.  Women who hoped, dreamed, believed, and pursued.  Somewhere along the road, though, they lost it.  Today, these women uttered words like. . .  I don’t know how to dream and I feel worthless and I can’t hope anymore and I have no purpose.

What happened?  What happened from there to here that innocence was lost?  What happened along the way that so many lose sight of all that they were born to be?  I look at my little girl and I know we were never meant to say such things.  I look at Chanelle and I know that I know that I know we were made for more.  We were all made for more. . .

I am not naive enough to believe that any of my children will make it through this world without their fair share of trials.  That’s inevitable, I know.  I guess I’m really wondering if it is possible for them to preserve what I see so clearly in this picture.  Is it possible that they might hold on to value the simple beauty of life? Will they remain comfortable in their own skin?  Can first things remain first? 

Oh my.  I hope so.  I refuse to believe that self doubt, insecurity, and heartache are a rite of passage.  I have to believe in something more.  As a Mom of three, I sit here now and wonder about my role.  How might I help them preserve the beauty, simplicity, and innocence that is so evident right now? Is it possible? 

Everything in me screams that it has to be.  The possibilities are endless for all of us. . .

We’re here to end it
I said & she said, No,
we’re here to begin it
& then she turned &
opened her arms
& everywhere I could see,
there were people,
like bright birds, calling
with a thousand voices
& suddenly I understood.

Here is where it begins.
With all of us, together
giving our daughters
a world woth loving
for a lifetime to come.

-Story People

  • Trophy Life - April 12, 2012 - 12:25 pm

    i LOVE this picture so much. and love the words you wrote even more.
    thank you.ReplyCancel

  • Sassytimes - April 12, 2012 - 2:37 pm

    I love this photo too!

    I worry about all those things with my children as well. And I constantly worry/wonder if I'm doing everything I can to ensure they will never lose sight of who they are; especially by other people's words/actions toward them. Ahhh, why must they grow up? Every time I get overwhelmed by 3 very young kids, I remind myself that these days are easy…it will only get harder (in a different way).

    I think your children will be exceptional. They have an amazing mother in you. 😉ReplyCancel

  • mommathieszen - April 12, 2012 - 4:58 pm

    Together us Moms can change a generational lie. Our girls will live in more freedom and security than we did. I believe it is possible. May God use us for that purpose. I stand with you, Summer, on the battle line for their innocence!ReplyCancel

  • Lissa Forbes - April 14, 2012 - 2:01 am

    I wish you were my mom! You are in pure service to your children and that is a beautiful thing!! Celebrate!ReplyCancel

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