
When we woke up that morning we could hear the raindrop pounding on the window.  It only took about 2 minutes for the idea to be brought up:  Can we go play in the rain?  When I told them yes they raced for the door.  Unfortunately, before they could even turn the knob the rain stopped. 

The bummed faces of my two little ones looked back at me and I told them not to worry because I was sure that it would rain later.  I should have just kept my mouth shut.

When is it going to rain? was the question of the day.  I think I heard it 78 times.  I tried to distract them, but all they wanted to do was wait for (my promised) rain. 

Outside we sat all. day. long. Waiting.  They tried a rain dance. . .

No such luck. 

Wishing on a three leaf clover. . .

Still, no rain.

Morning turned to afternoon and the gray skies continued to hold back their much anticipated gift.  Charlie and Chanelle watched for drops on the drive, held out their hands feeling for any amount of the skies wetness.  For a moment, a drop was felt and spirits lifted. . . here it comes! they exclaimed.

But alas, it was just a drop.

I continued with my distractions.  Tea party in the lawn?

They were distracted for a bit, but the questions came again. . . when is it going to rain? 

It was time to fess up and tell them that I didn’t really know if it would rain that day.  Maybe it was just going to be a dry day.  Bummed. . . again.

Evening was quickly approaching and we found our way inside.  The kids were playing and I was folding laundry in the bedroom when I heard it.  Is that rain?  Charlie raced from the bedroom to look out the front window and his screeching voice stretched through the house.

IT’S RAINING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Out they went. . .

At first the sprinkles were light. . .

Drip, drip, drip. . . 

Until, finally, the heaven’s opened up and it poured.

Finally. . . they got what they were hoping for. . .

It was a good day. 

Happy Friday!

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