It’s nearly 5 o’clock in the afternoon. I rarely blog in the afternoon. Typically, I wait until little ones are tucked in their beds and the sounds of tiny feet pitter-pattering on the floor have silenced. It is far easier to think when it’s quiet. The house is quiet right now, though. I am blessed to have Wednesday’s to focus on my work while my in-laws
take care of our kids for the day. It is a luxury for which I am so
thankful. I try to pack my Wednesday’s full with as much as I can in
the way of studying, editing, planning, organizing, blah, blah, blah for
SummerK. When I’m not careful, though, the quiet lures me into my head.
I just returned home from a humid afternoon run. The blazing sun was high in the sky and sweat poured down my face almost as soon as I stepped outside. I rarely run in the afternoon. It is usually the first thing I do in the morning before the I needs, I wants, and can I’s? begin. But this morning, I skipped my run. The I needs, I musts, and the I have to’s screaming from my own brain far surpassed the normal chatter from our three toe heads. So, rather than lacing up my shoes, I got to work on a few tasks that were waiting for me. (That was my first mistake.)
My afternoon run cleared my head. I needed my head cleared. You see, walking into the field of photography has been a challenging one. Walking into an industry that is inundated with people, ideas, creativity, and thoughts sometimes overwhelms me. Not to mention the constant competition and the unspoken idea that quality is equal to number of Facebook likes. (Blech.) I begin to do that comparing thing. That thing that says I wish I had this experience and that experience under my belt. Doubt creeps in. Insecurity sneaks in. For a moment I consider putting my therapist hat back on.
That’s when I go on a run.
On my run I pondered words spoken by my dear friend, Steffany. We were texting back and forth about something completely unrelated and she said this. . . I’m trying to let go of the ‘vision’ and just let the ‘vision’ create itself. Steffany’s words struck a chord in me. The reminder that we can’t plan all the details. What’s important is to embrace the journey. Embrace the now. I loved her words. You see, I’m in a month long class right now that is focusing on my photography business. I find myself getting lost and wondering, who am I supposed to be? But I find that when I’m trying to figure out who I’m supposed to be, I lose sight of who I am.
As the sun beat down on me and the sound of my feet hit the pavement, I thought back to the previous evening. I had asked Chanelle to join me out back for a moment so I could take a quick picture for my 365-Project. She is so willing to help me and I was happy when I snapped my picture for the prompt ‘old’.
I expected that she would hand the camera back to me and quickly run back inside, but she didn’t. Instead, Chanelle did what Chanelle so naturally does. . . she radiated joy throughout our entire backyard.
It starts with a smile. . .
And then complete and utter joy. . .
Unscripted. Unplanned. Utterly beautiful.
As I ran the final mile of my run I felt my pace increase and my heart become lighter. A good run and time to think did what it always does for me–it provided perspective. What I love about this. . . what I first fell in love with about photography is capturing life as it happens. Celebrating today. Enjoying the now. These moments. . . my favorite moments? They don’t have to be created. They just are.
And suddenly, things feel simple again. Like Steffany said today, I’ve got to let go of the vision and let the vision create itself. I’ll get there. . . wherever ‘there’ is. But for now? I want to be right here. There are lessons to be learned. There are experiences to go through. There are teachable moments around every bend. That’s life, right?
. . . but these ordinary moments are about as beautiful as they get.
It’s hardest to love the ordinary things, she said, but you get lots of opportunities to practice.Story People
Love the impromptu photo shoot with Chanelle!!! Gorgeous!!!
I think part of growing up, no matter how old we might be, is realizing that we are works in progress. It's about progress not perfection
One of the hardest things is letting go of our vision and letting the vision develop itself but this is so necessary in order to find the joys in the journey.
Works in progress. . . so true. I agree with you. We'll never find it until we let go, right?
Summer, these photos are absolutely GORGEOUS.
Just amazing.
The ones of C. jumping are simply perfection!!!
And this "I've got to let go of the vision and let the vision create itself". SO. TRUE.
I know I am at fault for that. Sometimes I am so focused on how things should be, I miss the present and how amazing it is right now. Those unscripted moments can be the most beautiful.
(Seriously, your pictures are gorgeous….we need to do something this fall with you!!)
Steffany is a wise one, isn't she?
I love having this community to work all of this out. We're so not alone, are we?
You guys make me sound like I have it all together….hahahaha.
Summer, Jenn is right. These photos are AMAZING. You are a true talent.
Steffany IS a wise one! She helps me to feel a little more sane….even if in reality we are all crazy!
I am blown away by these photos. They're beautiful. And your words are always so lovely and true.
You should add "I'll come to your house and take unscripted photos" as one of your packages. Nothing staged, just "life as it happens" kind of moments. I think that would be so cool. Judging by this post, I think you know how to do exactly that. You have some serious talent.
(It helps having gorgeous subjects, too. I just love the one with one kid in the cabinet and the other hand peeking out. Adorable!)
Thank you so much for your kind words. I like your package idea. Might be long winded, but it gets the message across, right?
So well said, Summer! I can relate to your post, as I am going back to school to change careers. This definitely wasn't the plan I had for myself about 15 years ago, and not what I expected to be doing, but I am learning to enjoy every minute of it. Like you said, I had to let go of that vision that I had for myself and let the vision create itself. It wasn't an easy thing to do, but I think it will be worth it! More and more, I've tried to "embrace the journey" and I've been more at peace with things than I have in several years. Beautiful pictures!
Thank you, Jennifer. So exciting this journey, isn't it? I guess really. . . how many things that are exciting, aren't a little bit scary, too, huh? I guess that is what life is about. All the best to you on YOUR journey!!
Beautiful as always Summer. I love your stories and photos. I love how the pictures tell a story all by themselves.
Thank you so much, Joni. I appreciate that so much.
I struggle with the same doubts and insecurities and comparisons just like you, Summer. It's something I've struggled with my whole life, but your friend's words are so, so true. I've got to learn to give up these preconceived ideas and learn to live in the day. I've gotten better—telling myself that I have my whole long life to love this photographic adventure I've undertaken. It's such a freeing sense once I admitted that to myself. As always, these are phenomenal photos. You are truly gifted, my friend!
I so appreciate that you get it, Katie. Thank you.
Ok, got my eyes dry enough to see the keyboard. Oh Summer how I could relate to your running. After a MOST difficult day at work Wednesday it was my shoes that evening that brought peace to my head. Be confident that you are not missing the journey that you are on. It is not taking place without you. Your words make that clear. Your pictures confirm it beyond doubt. Steffany's words are a foundation to build on. Keep on, keeping on!
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Summer. I am BLOWN AWAY.
These photos? Oh, my.
These pictures are truly awesome!