Soft Breathing

I sometimes wake in the early morning & listen to the soft breathing
of my children & I think to myself, this is one thing I will never
regret & I carry that quiet with me all day long.
-Story People

Before I bid you a ‘Happy Weekend’ I just want to say, ‘Thank You’. 

Thank you, Dear Readers, who let me come to this space and lament, spill my guts, tattle on myself, and truly let it all hang out.  Thank you for telling me that you feel it, too–the urge to scream, on the verge of breakdown, and at the very end of your rope. 

Thank you for normalizing, for laughing, and for being right in the thick of it with me. 

What I know is that just as often as we have days when the utterance of ‘Mama’ feels that it will be the end of us–we have far more when our hearts are filled with such a ferocious love that there is nothing we wouldn’t do for those little ones who call out to us.

A few decades ago Mama’s had clothes lines over which they talked.  Today, we have blogs. 

I’m thankful. 

Have a Happy Weekend.

  • Katie - March 22, 2013 - 2:14 pm

    We all have those days. I remember looking at my oldest when she Meadow's age, tears running down both our faces, and telling her, "I've never been a Momma before! Just like you, I'm trying to figure this whole thing out, too." It's okay to give yourself permission to join in the meltdowns—you're just trying to figure it all out yourself, too.

    And I like your analogy of clotheslines to blogs. You are oh so right! Happy weekend!ReplyCancel

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