Whew! I survived. Friday afternoon it crept upon me and made its brutal attack. It attached itself to me and claimed me as it’s victim and refused to relent despite my attempts to ignore it. Friday afternoon I was standing in the kitchen making plans to go for an evening run after Chad returned home from work and in one moment it slammed me: The Flu.
I called Chad and asked him how long it would be before he was home. Thirty minutes. In my head I sang I-think-I-can-I-think-I-can as I attempted to engage the girls in a game while focusing on retaining the contents of my insides, inside. As soon as Chad walked into the house, I retreated to the bedroom, made myself a home, and lost the last five days of my life. I spent several days laying on my back and phasing in and out of consciousness while watching the entire season of The Real World from New York and San Francisco. I felt like I was in High School again. (Side note: It’s sad to me what happened to that show after those two seasons. Just sayin’.)
Chad and I traded positions for a couple of days–him in the sick bed, while I, deliriously, tended to the kids. Chanelle joined our sick club for a couple of days while Meadow decided this was the perfect time to cut a couple of teeth.
Perfect weekend, right? In order to ease my way back into blog world, how about some Running Chatter?
1. Spring Break
If you want to usher in Spring Break the right way. . . just join us.
Spring Break, yes. Spring Break.
At least that’s what the school told us. Mother Nature had a different idea, though. She dumped several inches of the most beautiful snow in our backyard. It was incredible and absolutely took my breath away. It was impossible to stay away from it, even through sickness.
2. Surrogate Mama
When Mommy and Daddy are sick and five year old decides she’s in charge this is what happens. . .
What can I say? Chanelle has style.
3. Period, space?
Chad and I just had a “discussion”. He informed me that sometime during the last few years the “rules” for writing have changed. He informed me that instead of two spaces following a period, we are now to use only one.
What?! Am I the last one to here about this?! Apparently, the education I received growing up is now null and void and I have to learn a new way. I am not sure I can do it, though. I’m going to try, just a second. Nope, I can’t do it.
Are you a one or two space person? Do I need to change?
4. Meadow
Meadow has a new laugh. It’s hearty and big-girlish. We hear it most when she thinks she’s funny. . . and she thinks she’s funny a lot of the time.
She wakes up happy and is happy most of the time.
(except when she’s not. . . and then she’s really not.)
The third time around is proving to be something very special as we take in every moment and hold it just a little bit longer, knowing she is our last.
5. Ducks
We’re so hungry for Spring. . .
6. Yellow Umbrella
7. Getty Images
I was recently contacted and invited to submit several of my images for sale. Needless to say, I was quite honored and equally humbled. It is crazy to know that my work is out there, somewhere, available for ad agencies to purchase. I may never sell an image, but this journey of photography is one like I’ve never been on. A journey that I am loving.
Here are a few images they selected. . .
8. Caffiene
I’m five days clean.
No Diet Mt. Dew.
No Coffee.
Five Days.
I would love to break my habit, but know the rate of success in this area is not real great. I’m not sure if I think I can, I think I can will work.
I’m taking it one day at a time. I’ve heard it takes 14 days to make a habit–is it the same to break one?
Time will tell.
Bed is calling. . .
Chatter, Out.
Chad's right. It's only one space after periods.
I'm a one-spacer. I cannot STAND editing for two-spacers.
I had no idea. This one space thing is blowing my mind. Do I need to change????