I’ve hit a bit of a slump. The well of creativity has run dry and I find myself parched and thirsty for new ideas, fresh creativity, and well, a little excitement. I’m pretty certain that it’s the weather that is getting to me. Cloudy days, cold temperatures, snow, wind, ice, rain. . . Oh, Ohio.
This is the first year I can remember feeling this blah about winter. So much so, that I’ve come up with a perfect solution to the problem and I’ve told anyone who will listen about it: I’d like to move to Florida.
I told Chad last week, I think I could be okay in Florida.
On Saturday I let my sister know. . . I’d be okay in Florida.
Later, I called my Dad and told him of my plan. . . I think Florida would be a nice place.
On Sunday I told Chad that when it gets warm again, I’m going to memorize the feeling of warmth. I’m going to carry the feeling of spring and summer with me all year. I find myself dreaming of lush green grass and the smell of blooming lilacs in our backyard. I imagine the warmth of the golden sun touching my skin and sitting on the porch and watching little bodies splash through sprinklers. I think about it so much I can almost hear the crickets chirping in the darkness of the night and the mourning doves wooing me awake in the morning.
Spring is so close I can almost taste it. . . but we’re not there yet.
Of course Florida isn’t the answer, but if I pretend it’s a possibility, it helps get through the day. Call it denial, call it delusional. . . I call it survival.
It was late last week when I really noticed how sapped my creativity has become. This scene was taking place one morning when Chanelle asked the question that I should have anticipated.
Mommy, can we please, please, please paint Meadow again? Charlie wasn’t here last time we did it and he needs to be able to do it, too. Please, please, pleeeeeeease?????
My resistance is at about zero. . .
I’m sure that someday I’ll hear about this from Meadow, but my current working theory is this: whatever entertains them.
. . . not because I’m a super-cool-super-patient-mom, but because when they are entertained I’ve got a few moments to think, breathe and be. . .
I have the special power to completely block out the noise of these drums. Seriously, I can’t hear them at all.
. . . the inevitable happens.
We’ve played in the living room, basement, and bedrooms all winter long. Those are boring. . .
. . . but the pantry is new.
And sometimes the dress up clothes are just more of the same.
Girlfriend knows her style.
(Perhaps this is why Meadow is sick this week.)
I guess what I’m trying to say is I am so over winter, which has led to a creativity, parenting, idea slump. However, we have one more storm forecast and I’m determined to make the best of it. If I don’t, I fear my children might end up playing in the heating duct.
(Creative ways to entertain young children always welcome.)
i have an idea! if you can stand the possible (hopefully small?) increase in the heating bill, how about a beach day? picnic on a blanket inside? crank up the heat, get the bathing suits on, a dollop of sunscreen on the face, some fruity smoothies, pretend sand castles???
that's literally all i've got! it sure beats splashing in 30 degree puddles, no? hang in there.
love, Miss
Plans are in the works!
This is hysterical! Ah, the baby of the family always gets painted
The above idea is awesome! I assume room cleaning and laundry folding is out of the question?
How about roller skating/roller blading/bike riding in the garage?
Have you checked Pinterest? Always good for an idea or a spark of an idea.
I love the roller skating idea. How fun! Though the room cleaning sounds even better.
Oh Pintrest. . . I've been "clean" from Pintrest for over a year. Seriously, it sucks my life away. I know it's a good resource, but it's just way too easy to spend my whole life there. Maybe I'll set a timer??
I remember those days being trapped inside and no where to go or things to do. One afternoon when it wears about 20 degrees, I cranked up the heat, put on the Beach Boys and told the kids to put on their swimsuits and goggles. I filled our garden tub full of warm water, spread out their beach towels and they "swam" the cold day away. They still talk about it. Hang in there, and I'll meet you in Florida, too!
What fun! I think I'm going to give this idea a try, Katie. Love it!
Florida IS the answer.
Life is far too short to be freezing.
But, I know your pain all too well. Believe it or not, there's a time in Cabo when it is SO HOT that we cannot BEAR to go outside without sizzling. That's our "winter." I get it.
But seriously, Ohio is too cold.
I like the way you think.
P.S. I love your header photo…