That Girl Thing

Last night I was in the kitchen cleaning up after dinner when I heard the pitter-patter of tiny feet approaching from behind.  I turned around to see Meadow showing off her bright smile and her fairly new teeth.  She stood proudly before me, completely nude, as is her habit after bath-time.  I swooped her up and kissed her on the cheek and in an instant she noticed the chocolate cake I was icing behind me.  She pointed and grunted. . . translation:  MUST HAVE CAKE.

I put her down and told her to get dressed and then she could have some.  She followed Chad into the living room to put on her pajamas.  About a minute later she saunters back into the kitchen standing about 2 inches taller and pauses to allow me to fully take in the new night gown she was wearing. 

I immediately stoop down to her level and make a to-do over her pink nightgown as she smiles and takes in the adoration.  Chad laughed and commented, it’s so funny how she just does that. . . that girl thing.  It’s like she puts on a new outfit and can’t wait to hear our praise.  Friends, it’s true.  I’m afraid that in just over a year. . . we’ve created a monster.  Somehow my 1-year old just does that “girl thing”. 

I can’t tell you how often I find a scene like this. . .

I peek around the corner into the bathroom and find Chanelle “decorating” Meadow.  Maybe that’s where it started?  Maybe it’s Chanelle’s influence.  But really, more often than not, I will find Meadow in this same location all by herself adorning herself with necklaces, bracelets and the like. 

Personally, I think Girlfriend just has style.

I mentioned to Chad the other day that it will be interesting to watch and see if this pattern continues.  I wonder, next year at this time will Meadow still race toward my bedroom when she hears the hairdryer and stand before the mirror with my blush brush and hair brush?

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t loving every second of these little “girly” moments.  I realize that we may have to detox her from the fanfare that comes with putting on her p.j.’s but for now. . . it’s okay, right?

The girls and I were pumped today when my MIL sent new hats made by her incredibly loving hands.  They wore them like crowns which helped make the forty degree temperature drop seem not so bad.

As functional as they were, though, I’m quite certain the girls just liked them for the “pretty” factor.  Chanelle wore hers all day long. . .

Outside. . .

and in. . .

So, there you have it.  My girls?  They have that “girl thing” down.


And just for the record:  my girls can also dig in the mud, kick a soccer ball, and wrestle with their brother with the best of them.

. . . for the record. 

  • Anonymous - February 1, 2013 - 3:10 pm

    ohmygosh. i loved the words and the amazing pictures. lovveeeedddd them. ReplyCancel

    • Anonymous - February 1, 2013 - 3:10 pm

      it was me who said it – Missy. ReplyCancel

  • Anonymous - February 1, 2013 - 4:31 pm

    Your girls are beautiful!! Chanelle is just a beauty, love the pictures you post of her!!ReplyCancel

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