There are times when I get stuck in my head. Sometimes it’s only for a moment. Other times is lasts for a day or a week or more. Thoughts swarm. Questions invade. Doubts overwhelm. For some reason, I become immobilized. What are you doing? Who are you fooling? I type, delete. Type, delete. I walk away and go about my business.
I reassess.
I compare my words to hers. My pictures to hers. My mothering to hers. My story to hers. My self to her.
Who is she? Who is this person that trips me up without a physical presence in my path? Who is she that steals my confidence? This person who sucks the very life out of me and replaces it with a tiny shell of a person who is lost and afraid. Who is she?
She is everyone.
The writer who who weaves together beautiful words that moves people. The photographer who knows her craft. The Mama who never loses her temper and has energy and creativity flowing out of every pore. The one who has found her passion and is never thrown off course. You know the one I’m talking about. . . the one who has it all together.
That girl? She messes me up.
Oh, and that girl? She doesn’t exist.
My rational mind knows this. The common sense part of me is fully aware of the fact that I created her. But there is another part of me. The hot-mess-tupperware-buring-forgot-to-return-library-books-haven’t-removed-newborn-clothes-from-Meadow’s-closet-dirty-windowed-dusty-end-tables-serving-hot-dogs-for-dinner-what-day-is-it?-lost-my-wedding-rings-again(to name a few) part of me. . . that part is certain that everyone else has it all together while I’m just trying to remember to make sure that the kids have two socks on their feet. (They prefer one.)
I would like to tell you that starting today, I am no longer going to do this. I am no longer going to assume that you have it all together while my life is going to “hell in a hand basket”. I would like to say (and wouldn’t you be thrilled, Chad?) that I can change this part of me and from this day forward, I will have more grace for my lack of grace. That today will be the day I stop comparing who I am to Her. Chances are, though, this will be a part of my journey. This comparing my writing, my blogging, my mothering, my photography, my self to the imagined “Her” that is perfect in everything she does.
Truth is I am a hot-mess person in process. And while I haven’t arrived, I know that I’m not where I used to be. And maybe that’s worth something?
So, I write it here simply because when I write–things become more clear. Things like. . . what is really important. . .
I wrote the above on Monday morning, leaving the rest to complete later. Now, it is Monday evening, darkness has fallen, three children are tucked into bed and I’ve come to complete my thoughts. My original plan was to quickly wrap this up and declare myself a work in progress who is not “there” but headed “there”. However, as I spent the afternoon with my girls coloring on the driveway with chalk, meandering around our neighborhood with two girls in a red wagon, and exploring nature behind our house, I found my thoughts wandering back to “her”.
You see, I don’t want my girls to be quite so familiar with Her. As I watched Chanelle and Meadow today it was clear that they have no idea who She is and I wonder, do they have to meet Her?
Do they have to meet the Her who says you’re not good enough? She that tells them you’re less than? The Her that says. . . you’re not okay?
I can’t believe that introduction is a rite of passage. But what I do believe is that my role is invaluable. I have to do everything I can not to invite Her into our home. Into my life. Into their life.
Perhaps what matters most is that I’m okay just being Me.
~ e.e. cummings
She really is difficult to manage, isn't She?!?
"…ok just being me".
YOU are an incredible gift. with all your i-lost-my-wedding-rings-again and burnt-another-piece-of-tupperware! people who love you wouldn't have you any other way.
may i also propose that maybe, sometimes, you are the Her/She that someone else is looking to be? it's true.
love you,
Thank you, Miss, for always supporting. . .
And, no, I have never considered that I might be that Her. . . you've given me food for thought. . .
I have to be honest, the prospect of being Her to someone else is not appealing to me. Only because I typically feel crappy after comparing myself to Her and I don't ever want anyone to feel crappy after comparing themself to me. Interesting thought, Miss.
Great post, Summer!
Ugh…"her". I find myself doing this often…especially over the last 9 months. I constantly remind myself that I'm just having a bad day/bad moment, not a bad life…and those other people that seem to have it 100% together, they have bad moments too. I'm sure of it.
And like the above comment, I will admit, you have been my "she" a few times. Find comfort in that, friend. You are amazing! Don't sell yourself short.
Thank you, S. You and I have had similar journeys these last nine months, haven't we?
You, too, have given me a perspective I have not considered.
Thank you.
I'm reading "Bringing up Bebe" a book about "French parenting versus American". There is an interesting chapter that says "The perfect mother does not exist". French mothers recognize the temptation to feel guilty and compare, but the difference is they don't valorize this guilt. They face down their guilt and then let it go. "Let's just feel guilty and go on living". I love this.
Beautiful photos by the way. I found your blog through Two Pretzels.
Hey Summer! Loved your post. I think often "Her" is our enemy Satan. He wants to condemn, accuse, compare. He seeks to devour and destroy and uses our minds as a prime battle field, whispering lies and deceit. I try to remember this when "her" gets in my mind, because I know in Jesus I am adequate. In Jesus I'm more than a conqueror. In Jesus I'm deeply loved. I'm deeply desired. I know in Christ I'm intricately fashioned and promised all his spiritual gifts! When I meditate on this suddenly, the enemy falls away and off me, and I'm suddenly a girl in her Daddy's arms being loved, tickled, and adored!
I have been reading a woman's Bible study that touches on this topic. It is called "He Is My Freedom" by Debbie Alsdorf. I cannot say enough about how much this devotional has personally helped me in this area and many others. I highly recommend it!
I know Her too…all too well and often.
The reason I visit your blog to read your words and see your pictures and now to comment too is because she's not here. Your voice is authentic and honest and kind. Your strength and your vulnerability come through loud and clear. That kind of presence is only possible when you are being true to yourself, which let's admit is a daily effort. Life, mothering, writing is hard, but so good. I love that you get that and are able to express it so poignantly. Your girls (and your son too) are blessed to have a role model like you.
A beautiful and thought provoking post!