I think I might be nesting. I can’t be certain, but I think so.
Pregnancy Weekly defines nesting as “an uncontrollable urge to clean one’s house brought on by a desire to prepare a nest for the new baby, to tie up loose ends of old projects and to organize your world.”
Oh my, it hit me yesterday. I walked down the stairs into the basement (a.k.a. The Kids Dungeon) and felt this compulsive desire to clean. I usually try to avoid the space that is filled from one end to the other with a splattering of toys ranging from baby dolls with matted hair to trucks that have seen better days. This morning the kids and I spent a few hours sorting through pieces of pretend food, families that belong in doll houses, dress up clothes, about 200 balls, and game pieces littered all around basement floor. (I had been wondering where those Hungry Hungry Hippo pieces were). The space is now neatly organized and most items can be easily found.
I completed the task and was feeling quite proud until, that is, I dropped the vacuum cleaner down the entire flight of stairs. Dyson’s are really nice, but apparently they can’t withstand a tumble down 14 steps.
And then this evening the kids and I were sitting at the kitchen table and I looked up at our blinds which have had an unsightly stain on them for well over a year. Yep, I’ve looked at this stain month after month, most likely caused by messy children at dinner, and not once have I attempted to clean it.
Well, now it’s clean. Baby can come any time.
In between my cleaning bouts today, the kids and I did everything we could to soak up our final day of “just the three of us.” It seems that the lack of energy I have been dealing with for months disappeared and we did our best to enjoy every moment of our day.
1. Tic Tac Toe
They beat me. Both of them. . . separately. Apparently, pregnancy brain remains in full effect.
2. Animals
While we were cleaning the basement, Charlie and Chanelle found the stuffed animals we had stored away with the intent to give away after baby arrives. Seriously, it’s embarrassing how many they have. The excitement of their discovery no doubt matched the excitement of someone striking oil. Together, they carted up the stairs armfuls of animals as well as all the animals, pillows, and blankets from their bedroom. These were two happy campers.
You would be amazed at the number of games they came up with. Hide-n-seek in the animals, flips into the animals, throw the animals around the room, and their personal favorite. . .

“Mommy-Time-Us-Racing-and-Diving-Into-The-Animals”. Thankfully, no one broke any bones.
3. Walk
It rained yesterday. . . a lot. The kind of rain Forrest Gump called “Sideways Rain”. Today, the kids insisted we investigate the damage.
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I love that they are explorers. Curious. Adventurous. And not afraid to get dirty. These are the moments when I am able to see the beauty in the small things.
4. Birthday’s
One of the recent and new topics of conversation are birthday’s. Specifically, the birthday’s of their stuffed animals. Chanelle has been planning “Sasha’s” birthday for days. Last night as I put them to bed, she talked about having a party for her. Who am I to deny? Tonight we celebrated. . .
. . . with a leftover cake that I had frozen from Chanelle’s birthday. There were gifts, singing of Happy Birthday and even ice cream. Not only was it Sasha’s Birthday. . .
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That’s Sasha |
It was “Wolfy’s, too. . .
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That’s Wolfy |
According to Chanelle, this is Sasha’s 69th birthday.
5. Play
I suspect that Baby might make this routine a little more difficult, but I hope we can work it out. These simple moments playing a game together right before bed are just priceless. It takes so little time and so little effort, but I truly believe we are making lasting memories. . . for all of us.
And that is what we did with our final full day together before little brother or sister arrives. I don’t know why, but it felt so important to fill every moment with goodness. . . with memories. (Is this a form of nesting?) It was a good day. A very full day. For this Mom, each activity felt a little more precious, a bit more sacred as I anticipate the change to come at any second.
Nesting or not. . . I suspect I will forever remember each moment of this special day.
I realize that I am probably a little more emotional (hormonal) these days, but I truly have to say this. . . Thank you. Thank you to each of you who commented, emailed, text, and encouraged me regarding yesterday’s post. Those of you who anticipate with us, rejoice with us, and even shed tears with us–are like an extended family. Unless you have sat on this side of the blog, it’s truly difficult to express how much it means when readers (known and unknown, old friends and new friends) walk along side in any part of the journey. I am so honored and so humbled by the time you take to visit this space.
From the bottom of my heart. . . Thank you.
baby number 3? yea right – you have Sasha, Wolfy and 489 of their closest friends that you are apparently mothering as well.
what a lovely post and i just knew that your last day with the kiddos would be a fun post.
love you.
What a wonderful last day with C & C. The stuffed animals made me laugh. I bet, together, we could fill a room with stuffed animals. My kids love them too.
Best of luck with baby #3. Can't wait to hear all about it. I'll be thinking of you!
Make sure to write down the names of all their special animals in their baby book…I didn't and so regret it! Thought for sure they'd never forget- but one day they did…and now I only remember half of them…so sad 🙁 And don't be embarrassed about how many you have- I guarantee you that I have you trumped! (and have taken LOADS to goodwill when no one is looking! 🙂 Somehow more keep finding their way back in though… 🙂
Keeping you, baby, and family in my prayers! Anxiously waiting your return- with MANY pics!! Take care and God Bless! hugs!