“Childbirth is more admirable than conquest, more amazing than self-defense, and as courageous as either one.” – Gloria Steimen
As most of you know, Summer is pregnant…so because she is seemingly out of action on this day, I (the impregnator) decided to take over her little corner of the web and share my thoughts and my perspective on this adventure that we’ve been on. So, here is my view of this process…
As you can imagine, this time of joy has hollowness from Summer’s mom not being around. We have realized, for a long time, that with every milestone moment in life, there will be a piece missing. The emotions have become more raw and, at times, overwhelming for Summer. The support and love that only a mother can offer during this time in life is definitely missing.
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I have watched Summer run the gamut of most every physical, mental and emotional reality of pregnancy. While some may look at what has gone on as minor, it was her (our) reality for the last 39 weeks. Through every phase she has been a trooper. There were the sleepless nights of the first trimester because of nausea and all the other little nuisances of early pregnancy. The general slowing down of body and mind during the second trimester. And of course the uncontrollable lack of comfort in the last trimester (mainly because she was trying to fit a 7 pound, 4 ounce baby into a frame that should have only been carrying a 3 pound baby). I have been amazed watching her mother our children, loving on friends and family, and caring for me, all while “growing a human inside [her] belly”.
Then came “D-Day” (“D” = Delivery of course). Another restless night of “sleep” gave way to a slight sense of the reality that we were adding another life to our family. The early start to the day wasn’t a change for us, but our destination was. As we approached the hospital we talked about how this little being, that was constantly doing aerobics, was going to join us. However, we really weren’t sure the magnitude of the change had hit us. The day progressed slowly. First the drugs, then family arrivals, then the epidural, then more drugs and more pain, then more drugs and less pain, then the shift change, then things started happening!
We could see the discomfort on Summer’s face continuing to grow. She was nauseous. The nurse got excited. After nine hours the baby was ready to finally allow us to see it! Within moments texts were sent to parents and friends who were set to arrive. Final emails were sent while waiting on the doctor. The camera was readied and all participants took their positions. Three solid pushes later…out came our baby!

First the head appeared (and what a full head of hair it is, and yes, I am jealous!). Then another push and out comes the upper torso. The doctor sucked fluid out of the mouth and nose, all while giving Summer a short respite. One more push, and out came the rest of our precious baby GIRL, Meadow Forsha (pronounced foreshay). We soon heard our first baby cries and she was quickly laid on Summer’s chest to begin the bonding experience with her mom. Reality was sinking in quickly. Tears were shed by Ashley (Summer’s sister who was a willing participant in this birthing adventure), Summer and I. The last 39 weeks of highs and lows were all thrown out the window as we watched this new little life try to explore the surroundings. I watched as she would turn her head toward her mommy’s voice. I watched as she would calm down when I talked to her. I also watched the curiosity of her brother examining her, trying to figure out who she is and what she can/will do. I watched Chanelle look at her new little sister with many emotions running through her mind. I could see those same emotions written all over her face and in her mannerisms.

Summer’s mom was in the room for Chanelle’s birth, so we knew this birth was going to be emotionally challenging. After Meadow was born it didn’t take long for the reality of life to set in with Ashley and Summer. They hugged each other. They cried tears of sorrow and tears of comfort, knowing how proud their mom would be with this beautiful moment. Most families are strong, and this family is no exception. The love and support from our family and friends is overwhelming. There is unconditional love coming from every direction and we are so thankful for all of it!
Thank you for bearing with me during this long post. We are very proud of our family, all three of our kids! Thank you all for your support and love as time has gone on!
**Summer is looking forward to sharing her thoughts about this very special day. . . but for the moment she can’t pull her eyes off our precious baby girl.
Great post, Chad!
Great post. Congratulations and welcome Meadow!
WOW! What a great post!! couldn't read this without crying! So happy for you all.
Congrats on baby Meadow! Love the name… 🙂
hugs to you all!!! 🙂
Oh crap, Chad. You should have warned me. I'm a big mess over here now. How incredibly precious. Love on that wife of yours and now your precious baby girl too…what a blessing! Now I'm ready to go meet my daughter in a bad way : ) Our girls will just be under 2 months different in age from one another–what a blessing. Give Summer my love. She's a profound blessing in my life even though she probably doesn't know it and even though we live so far from you guys. God uses her! Miss you both!
How beautiful is this? You are blessed beyond words. My prayers are with you all, but especially this little Mama and wee Meadow.
so amazing!! i loved the guest post and loved the brief glimpse into your world with this new little one. so happy that you are Meadow's parents.
Oh Chad, to hear from your perspective, as the impregnantor (tee hee) and the EVER supportive husband… so awesome.
You succeeded in making me cry. 😉 The tears started right here: "I watched as she would turn her head toward her mommy’s voice."
I'm so happy for your perfectly family of five.
HUGS to you all.
P.S. Meadow's name is beautiful.
Okay, first of all==CONGRATS to a beautiful baby girl, whom I can NOT wait to meet! 🙂 I love her name!
second of all==You go Chad! Its hard to admit, but you made me cry!
last of all==praying for you Summer. I am sure this is a bittersweet time for you with your mom not here. Know that I have been and will continue to pray for you as you journey on in this life with you amazing family by your side.
Chad, seriously, did you really have to call yourself the impregnator? 🙂
Friend, you know I'm teasing. This was a WONDERFUL guest post. I loved hearing this from your perspective, and love how much you love our friend Summer. I cried PRECISELY at the same place as Kylee — what a powerful moment, and beautifully described. I know it was a day of happy and sad tears, both — what a blessing that, even through tears, little Meadow made her triumphant debut!!
I loved every word. Please hug Sum for us.
I read this this am in DC where we are visiting Darrick. Yes Chad you did very well. Must have more of your mom in you with the beautiful, loving words. Meadow us one lucky girl. So is Summer who has you to have been therewith her. Of course she missed her mom, but she was there cheering her on.
Can't wait to meet this sweetie!
Today is good indisposed, isn't it?
[…] years of writing. Seven-hundred and ten posts. My life, my grief, our family and the many changes in between have been documented in this space, because telling our story, […]