I’m trying to catch my breath–literally and figuratively. It seems that the emergence of fall has also filled our calender with constant running and going and doing. As one who prefers stretches of peace in the comfort of our home, I’m doing my best to get my bearings and calm my mind as I adjust to the faster pace.
So, please, bear with me and my Running Chatter. . .
1. Why, Hello There Third Trimester. . .
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Here I am two days shy of 29 weeks. Yes, we are in the final countdown. . . if you can call 11 weeks and 78 days the final countdown. It is interesting how the time is going fast and slow at the same time. (Chad wanted me to make clear that this photo was taken in the midst of our renovations, which (apparently) explains the mess behind me–because otherwise our house is always pristine. . . or so I’m leading you to believe).
I am happy to have entered into the third trimester with seemingly no difficulty. Overall, I’m feeling well and have had very few “bad” days. I will admit, though, pregnancy has always been a challenge for me. (Please don’t hear this as a complaint–I am FULLY aware of the blessing I have been given to carry this tiny miracle in my womb). In full disclosure, though,. . . I struggle. My struggle comes in losing control over my body. It comes in watching my abdomen grow and grow while my runs get shorter and slower, and I feel increasingly uncomfortable by the day. I do wish I could be one of those women that just “wears” pregnancy well. The woman that walks confidently and sees only the beauty of the miracle growing inside her and fully embraces it. . . I’m just not. Instead, the battle between confidence and insecurity wages in my mind. . . and on some days I win and others I lose.
Two prior pregnancies have taught me something, though. I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the battle is worth it.
2. The Big Reveal
Because I know that you had a sleepless night last night wondering how our kitchen turned out–the time has come. Where is Ty Pennington when you need him? Like I said, Chad and several wonderful helpers spent the holiday weekend renovating our kitchen area.
Before. . .
(Okay, you can uncover your eyes)
After. . .
I must say. . . I dig it.
3. Swag
I never win anything. I mean, really, never. Recently, though, I was pleasantly surprised when I found out that I won some swag from my friend over at Two Pretzels.
Getting free stuff in the mail is quite awesome. Charlie loves this little guy. . .
Thank you, again, Two Pretzels!
4. Speaking of cool stuff. . .
The four of us were turning down a road yesterday and caught a glimpse of this. . .
I seriously was so excited I couldn’t get a non-blurry photo. How cute is this little guy?
This is so going on my list of things to do before I die. Drive a motorcycle with pup wearing pink goggles on the back.
5. And in the not cool category. . .
Um, we found this guy living on our deck.
Not cool.
Enough said.
(He has since been evicted.)
6. Beautiful
Fall is almost here. I can see it and smell it and sense it. The clouds are thicker, lower, deeper and the temperatures are beginning to cool. In my eyes, everything about fall is more beautiful. The season draws me to reflect on chilly cross country races of long ago and the births of my two (soon to be 3) babies.
Each fall I am filled with hope and anticipation. . . this one is no different.
7. One Final Thought
I just want to say thank you to those who visit here each day and read and engage in the conversation. If I didn’t think it would get annoying–I would thank you every day. I continue to be amazed at the way this community and this forum have, and continue to, change my life.
I don’t take any of this for granted. . . or any of you.
Chatter Out.
we went from reflective, to deep, to informational to grateful to disgusting (bat on deck) to calm and collected in this post……go, Chatter.
; ) love you.
Ahh — I can't believe you're in the third trimester already! I'm sure it doesn't feel like it's gone fast, but wow — it'll be here SO SOON. 🙂 Can't wait to hear more as the final countdown continues.
(And, you look BEAUTIFUL.)
The kitchen is LOVELY. They did such a great job! The bat…not so lovely.
What is it about Fall? Our calendar is jam packed too, and as a homebody, it's starting to stress me out. I need calm between the chaos…or maybe it's just preparing me for 3 babies???
You look amazing. You wear pregnancy well.
I love your floors. They did a great job!
Umm…that dog is super cool. The bat, gross. We used to ALWAYS get them in our house as kids. To this day, they creep me out big time. Ew.
wow! LOVE the floor! great job 🙂
you could never be annoying! you've been a great inspiration in my life as well and can't thank you enough for being brave enough to share yourself in this way! thanks to you many times over for being a ray of sunshine in my day! 🙂
ps…i'm jealous of how great you look during pregnancy! 🙂
i ballooned all over!
The floors are awesome and make a huge difference! You are so cute pregnant I was a round ball. Time is going fast and slow. Can't wait to meet the little one and snuggle. Fall is like that and with the kids starting school sorry to tell you…..get used to it:). I know I had a hard time at first too but was fun to see them blossom and play sports and talk to other moms. The dog cute. The bat is gross. Love you
LOVE the new floor. Kudos to Chad for doing an awesome job!
I'm so excited about your new little one. Your children are beautiful and this will be too.
Chad–awesome job on the floor! Way to go! Summer–I think we may be the same size right now–you in your 3rd trimester and me in the aftermath of 3 babies…
I also love the dog in the pink glasses–you just couldn't have planned that! Awesome! : )
1. You look gorgeous. I thank you for being HONEST about pregnancy. So few feel comfortable enough to be. Loved this line, "Two prior pregnancies have taught me something, though. I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the battle is worth it. "
Amen, sista.
2. Your floors look incredible. Love them. LOVE them. Easy to clean? Can you see the dust on them? They look great.
Oh, geez. Comment cut short. Lila's up from her nap crying.
I'll be back.
But quickly – that bat is terrible.