A Real Mirror

Sometimes in life, if you’re really lucky, you meet a friend who stands before you like a mirror.  Not the kind of mirror that you’ve become accustomed to. . . the one that highlights the grays in your hair, or that you are too fat or too thin or that your nose is too big or eyes too small.  Not the mirror that leaves your eyes lingering over perceived flaws and your mind worrying about all that you aren’t or all that you should be.

No, not that kind of mirror–not the broken kind.

If you’re really lucky, you meet a friend who stands before you and reflects the truth of who you are.  The kind of friend that highlights all that is right, good, and beautiful about you. 

I am so thankful to be one of the lucky ones who has met that friend.  Her name is Lisa and today is her birthday. . .

She’s what I refer to as my how are you, really friend.  She is the kind of friend that I wish for everyone.  The kind of person who is just present in every aspect of your life. 

I never thought I would meet a friend like this in my grown up years. . . but I did.


I could have never imagined the path our friendship would take when I met you in an aisle at Walmart just eight short years ago.  In those years, we’ve done a whole lot of living. For more than seven years, we’ve sat in my living room and shared stories, fears, joys, concerns, and laughter on a weekly basis.  Week after week we’ve sat across from one another and shared our hopes and dreams–some have come to fruition, while others sit and wait for just the right time.

In seven years, your home of four has become a home of six and our childless home became a home to 2.7 children.  Together, we have watched our homes being built, job changes, deaths of loved ones, professional transitions and season of life changes.  We have shared giddy laughter and sat and allowed each other to  ugly cry.  Heck, we’ve ugly cried together.  We have shopped together, eaten together, played with our kids together, and even dated our husbands together.

We’ve done life together.

Lisa, today I celebrate you.  I celebrate the brave and courageous woman you are.  I celebrate you for your strength and your gentle spirit.  I celebrate the goodness that fills your heart and overflows to mine.  I celebrate the woman you are and the woman you are becoming.  I celebrate you simply because you are you. 

Thank you for doing this life thing with me.  Thank you for standing before me as an accurate mirror, when the mirror I am looking into is a little bit off.  Thank you for your time, your energy, your example and your love.

Without a doubt, I am better for having you in my life.

Happy, happy birthday my beautiful friend.

  • lisa - August 29, 2011 - 1:40 pm

    Oh you are soo blessed to have found that kind of friendship in adulthood! That is one of those things that is so important for us women….but ever so hard to find the time for yourself and your friendships as you grow and develop your family life. How wonderful for the both of you! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Written Permission - August 29, 2011 - 2:47 pm

    What a lovely tribute!! I'm so glad you both found each other. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Adopted aunt - August 29, 2011 - 9:55 pm

    Wow! Happy birthday Lisa. You are two blessed woman to have each other.ReplyCancel

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