Refueling. . .

A weekend full of running from here to there and going from that place to this one does much to fill my tank with more love and memories than my heart can hold.  The endless activities that filled the moments of each day kept my brain on overload as I captured snapshots in my mind, embedding the memories on my soul.  And while I love all the running and going and doing, I can only do it for so long.  The bigger part of me. . . the introverted, introspective part of me needs refueling.  I think we all needed it. . .

Chad unexpectedly took the day off and we got to spend it together. . . just the four of us.  With my surgery and the craziness of the holiday it has been a long time since it was just us.  First on the agenda was to open stockings that were neglected in the whirlwind of the weekend.  We laugh as Charlie officially declares that his favorite gifts are the finger skateboards and the noise putty that he pulled from his stocking.  (Oh, Dollar Tree. . . why didn’t we visit you FIRST?)

The rest of the day was spent doing that thing that families do.  We nestled into each other and cozied into the comfort that comes with all that is “us”.  We did a little bit of this. . .

. . . before being invited to the most lovely “tea store” run by my daughter who would not allow any cup to be less than full for more than 7 seconds . . .

The day was nothing special, really.  It was just us, being us.  But to me. . . that is special.  There were moments of laughter intermixed with the whines of tired children intermixed with rock bands performing and adventures pursued intermixed with the whines of tired adults. 

She’s even got the rocker tongue-thing down

As I watched my boys do what boys do from the warmth of our home, I inhaled a deep breath and took it all in. In that moment I declared that this is my favorite present. . . these simple moments of togetherness when all we are is wrapped up in each other.  It must seem so silly to some. . . where is the excitement?  The people?  The energy of life?  To that I say. . . this is life.  For me, it is the quiet moments with these three people that top off my tank and leave me spilling over with feelings of contentment.  These simple days that continually remind me that this ordinary little life really is absolutely extraordinary. 

I have officially been refueled. 

  • Kim - December 29, 2010 - 1:02 pm

    And it was less then $3.20 a gallon!
    All is well in the world.ReplyCancel

  • Sassytimes - December 29, 2010 - 2:01 pm

    My favorite days are those spent entirely at home. I love soaking it all up.ReplyCancel

  • Ashley - December 29, 2010 - 4:55 pm

    The first picture of Chad and the kids might be one of my favorites!! Everyone is just so happy!ReplyCancel

  • Love the Present - December 29, 2010 - 10:49 pm

    Love Chanelle's apron. I love your blog because it's like a mirror of my own family. Soak it up.ReplyCancel

  • Love the Present - December 30, 2010 - 3:21 am

    When you were little, did you dream about your husband and kids, and wonder what it would be like? And now, don't you feel like you won the lottery?ReplyCancel

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