Since Chanelle’s birthday party was the day before her birthday we let her pick what she wanted to do on her birthday. She wanted to go to the zoo. . . so that’s what we did. . .
Sometimes, when we are all together I like to slow down and lag behind just so I can watch them from afar. . .

I like to watch as if I’m not a part of them and see what strangers see. I stop and let them walk ahead because, somehow, from a distance I have a different view. I watch with new eyes as they laugh, play, and talk to one another. I bet strangers wonder. . . is that for real? Do they really enjoy being together that much? I smile because I know. . . yep, they do. . . they really, really do. That dad and those kids. . . they are something special.
Sometimes, I look through the lens of my camera and my heart screams from my chest. . .

“Hold on to this!” I find myself hoping and praying that this moment will be remembered. Oh, I know, she’s three and how will she ever remember such a simple moment? It’s not the moment that I am so concerned about, though. I long for her to remember how he made her feel. . . safe, secure, and completely adored in her Daddy’s arms.
Sometimes, as I stand back and watch. . .

I find myself hoping that he is taking a moment to close his eyes, take a deep breath, and embed these tiny morsels of Fatherhood on his soul. I hope that he is eating them up and relishing the way they look at him, want to be near him, and believe that there is nothing their Daddy can’t do.
All of the time, when I look at the three of them. . .

I feel like the luckiest girl alive.